Justin Stone took some time to answer several of your hitting related questions that came into his Ask.fm account. Click here to ask Justin your question. What should I do to stay in my scap longer? Make sure the timing of the scap load is consistent with the body’s forward advance instead of […]

Ask.fm Questions for Justin Stone
March 26th, 2014 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]
Former Elite Instructor Bo Schultz Makes Major League Debut for D-Backs
March 23rd, 2014 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]Former Elite Baseball Training Instructor Bo Schultz made his MLB debut in Sydney, Australia, pitching a scoreless frame for the Arizona Diamondbacks against the Los Angeles Dodgers. Shultz, 28, features a mid to upper 90’s fastball and played his collegiate ball at Northwestern. Click here to view Bo’s roster page and a short video on […]

Elite Baseball Training and Majestic Announce Partnership
March 20th, 2014 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]CHICAGO – This week Elite Baseball Training formally announced a partnership and sponsorship with Majestic – the official uniform supplier of Major League Baseball. Elite Baseball Training is the first amateur program that Majestic has partnered with to don their big-league line of uniforms. The two organizations saw a mutually beneficial relationship as Majestic reengages […]