“Keep your eye on the ball” is one of the most commonly used phrases when amateur coaches talk to their hitters and in reality it is a phrase that should never be used. Every youth hitter is trying to keep their eye on the ball, but there is a breakdown in their swing sequence that […]

Common Hitting "Mis-Teaches" Part 6: "Keep Your Eye on the Ball"
September 23rd, 2015 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]
NEW Common Hitting "Mis-Teaches"
September 22nd, 2015 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]In the Fall of 2013 we put out our first Common Hitting “Mis-Teaches” series that challenged frequently used hitting phrases and showed why these “cookie cutter” phrases often fail to fix the problem at hand. This 5-part series racked up over 70,000 views on YouTube, so we decided it’s time to attack two more of […]