Chicagoland (773) 739-2170

University of Iowa Pitching Camp


University of Iowa Pitching Camp

Join one of the Big Ten’s top pitching coaches, University of Iowa’s Chris Maliszewski in our special, one day clinic.  Chris has had 6 of his pitchers drafted in the last two years at Iowa.  Along with overseeing the pitchers, Chris is recognized as one of the top recruiters in the country, with Iowa’s 2011 recruiting class being recognized nationally by Perfect Game.  Now you can learn and be evaluated in this “Big Ten” experience!  Clinic will cover mechanics, grips, arm strengthening, conditioning and arm care.  Players will be grouped by age and ability level.

Digital Analysis Feature! Add an uploaded copy of your Digital Pitching Motion with voiceover instruction for a record of your progress and reminder to what you need to work on.  Uploads to our website for your personal use on your computer or burn to a DVD – just $25 more,

Ages 11-17
Saturday Jan 14th  9-11:30am

The Epidmic of American Hitters Over coaching a "short" swing leads to
pushing the bat.

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