So many hitters push the bat instead of creating whip. Mostly because of hitting coaches who stress being short to the ball “using the hands” without making sure the body sequences correctly first. Here is a quick tip on how to feel and fix “pushing.

Common hitting mistake – Pushing the bat: How to feel and fix it
December 8th, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]
1st hitting coaching point with Georgia Tech Commit
December 4th, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]Quick coaching point from a new lesson, Zac Ryan from Andrean HS in Indiana. Zac is a very talented senior who is committed to Georgia Tech. Check the coaching point video below about keeping the spring around the rear hip with a upper body, resistent, pull-back. For more information check our coaching clinics and videos […]

Stride Timing Study Results
May 17th, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]Timing of the positive move can be difficult for youth hitters. Often times, rather than the advance being taught correctly, I often see youth coaches take it away in a quasi “no stride” approach that makes youth hitters a synchronizational nightmare (I’ve yet to see a youth hitter in the thousands I’ve worked […]

Game At Bat Preparation Series – #1 Timing and Tempo
February 28th, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]The hardest part about hitting a baseball isn’t mechanics, it’s timing. I say all the time, there are a handful of guys in the big leagues that I consider to have perfect swings. With a perfect swing, you would think a guy would hit .700 or .800. Of course that doesn’t happen, so there has […]

How to prepare for a successful at bat – Are you preparing correctly?
February 22nd, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]I had a parent ask me the other day to evaluate his high school son at the end of a lesson. The player has a great future in the game – he’s a Division 1 talent, but I said in my evaluation that he’s prepared, he has a great swing, but now he has to […]

Double Play Runner Simulation Drill
February 14th, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]Simulating the feel of a “game like” double play is difficult in practice. It’s one thing to turn a double play without runners, but another when you have a runner bearing down on top of you. This is especially true for the second baseman as he can feel the runner coming, but can’t see him […]

3D Motion Analysis Demo
February 6th, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]See our new 3D Motion Analysis demo. We are the only group in the country using this new technology. This is the most advanced technology available in breaking down a hitter’s swing. See what else our Ultimate 3D package offers below: Visit us at to schedule an appointment for you 3D analysis today.

Negative Move Explanation and Video
February 1st, 2012 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]One of the most incorrectly done phases of the swing is the negative move. A very necessary phase of the swing, yes. But it may be the most incorrectly taught phase as well. I see more hitters with synchronization errors because they were taught by a coach how to “load” improperly. See some of the […]

Interesting Article that Adds to our "Knee Drive" Facebook Discussion of Last Week
December 7th, 2011 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]A colleague of mine gave me this article yesterday. I was asking him a question on what I’ve been thinking about the “driver” of rotation at the beginning of the swing, from the anatomical standpoint. In our facebook discussion last week I said the knee plays NO role in getting the back leg started. The […]

Forearm Strength and Strong Wrists for Bat Speed?
November 28th, 2011 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]I’ve had the question asked to me twice this week about the effect of forearm or grip strength on bat speed. Since a large part of my facebook posts this week were on the subject of hitting fallacies, I decided to address this traditional training idea. There has been a great deal of research on […]