Mobility, Flexibility & Stability Screening
Kylie is categorized as a “neutral” mover. Kylie sets up in an “S” posture in her athletic stance. She was able to create anterior and posterior tilt from this position, but did show vibration in the screen. This is due to a lack of strength/control of the lower abdominals. In her pelvic disassociation test she was unable to properly disassociate even with assistance. The screen showed swaying of the hips to the left and the right. This is usually seen in the swing as a hip shift instead of a turn. She was able to pass her torso disassociation screen and demonstrated good lower body stability. Kylie also passed her overhead squat screen. She was limited in her toe touch both bilaterally and unilaterally. This is generally an indicator of lack of hamstring length or tightness.
Kylie is a “neutral” thoracic rotation mover. She created 50 degrees of thoracic rotation to the right as well as 50 degrees of thoracic rotation to the left. She created 35 degrees of thoracic side bend to the right and 35 degrees thoracic side bend to the left. Kylie has 30 degrees on right internal hip rotation and 45 degrees of right external hip rotation. Her left internal hip rotation was 30 degrees and her left external hip rotation was 40 degrees. Kylie produced 3.5 inches of scapular retraction in her scapular retraction screen. We were unable to get 4 fingers unger her scap in in her scapular palpation screen, showing good scapular strength and positioning.
Kylie showed good ranges of motion in her internal and external shoulder screens. She was limited in her shoulder flexion/lat length screen. She was able to raise her arms only to a position slightly in front of her nose without deviating from the screen. She was able to pass her reach, roll, and lift screen showing adequate strength/control of the scap. Kylie passed all impingement, wrist deviation, wrist flexion, forearm supination/pronation screens as well as her cervical screen.
Kylie was able to hold her glute bridge for the 10 second duration and showed a stable core. She noted that she felt her quad mainly holding her up with a slight glute activation. Better strength or leg positioning could afford her better glute activation and should be looked in to. Kylie was able to hold single leg balance (eyes closed) for 6 seconds on her right leg (2nd attempt). She managed 15 seconds of single leg balance on her left leg, but did show ankle instability.
Force Plate Swings
Below is video of the swing analysis. I will walk you through this matched up with video.
Kylie creates 99% body weight in vertical force in her rear leg as she gathers. She gets overloaded to her back side. We generally look for about 100% body weight in vertical force in gather and beginning advance phase. She produces 123% body weight in vertical force in her lead leg. We can definitely get more speed out of her lower body with a better front leg interaction with the ground. We like to see about double the rear leg. Her vertical spike is gradual, suggesting she has a slow rate of force development vertically. She is a “spinning” action in the lower body turn. She creates 32% body weight in lead leg horizontal force. Her x-axis timing is slow as she leaks into her front leg early. Again the gradual spike suggest a slow rate of force development horizontally.
KVEST Sequencing & Rotational Speeds
The 3d readings are on kinematic sequencing and rotational speeds.
Kylie presents as a partially in sequence swinger. Her arms and wrists peak at a similar time. She created 560 deg/sec of pelvic speed. The pelvis had a slow deceleration rate. This is likely do to her shifting shed hips (as seen in the pelvic disassociation screen above). She generated 627 deg/sec. of torso speed which is a minimal gain. This is in part due to the fact she has minimal separation of her pelvis and torso into launch (pelvis 7.42 deg. and torso -7.58 deg). By not taking out the slack and also having slow deceleration patterns she will not transfer energy up her chain efficiently. The torso also displayed slow deceleration patterns which limit arm speed gains. This can be assisted with anti-rotational work. Kylie created 828 deg/sec. of arm speed which is low and again due to not taking out slack between torso and scap and the slow deceleration patterns. Her wrist speeds were 1602 deg/sec. and were present considerably before contact (roll over pattern). By taking the slack out between the torso and arms she should have the ability for larger gains and better timing of the transfer.
Bat Sensor Data
Kylie had bat speeds between 55-56mph. She had attack angles between 10-13 degrees which are slightly higher than we would like to see. Her time to impact was average at 150 milliseconds. Time to impact will continue to get better as she takes out the slack between segments and increases her deceleration capabilities.
Summary & Recommendations
- Maintain back leg connection to the ground in advance and into the turn.
- Get a bigger scap load to stretch the core for better energy transfer instead of inward torso rotation.
- Gain speed out of her front leg heel interaction with the ground.