Chicagoland (773) 739-2170

Sam Carlisle


Mobility, Flexibility & Stability ScreeningForce Plate SwingsKVEST Sequencing & Rotational SpeedsBat Sensor DataMovement PrepSwing Prep

Mobility Screen

Sam is categorized as a neutral mover.  He sets up in a neutral spine position in his athletic stance. In his pelvic tilt screen he was unable to create anterior and posterior tilt, but he did show improvement with assistance (we held his shoulders).  This indicates some instability in the torso/pelvis as well as some lower back/lower abdominal weakness.  In his pelvic disassociation screen he was limited as his pelvis was swaying to the right and the left as opposed to rotating.  He passed his torso disassociation screen by showing pelvic stability as he rotated his torso.  Sam was limited in his overhead and hands behind the neck squat screens.  In his subsequent ankle dorsiflexion screen he was limited as he came up 2 inches short of the intended distance on his right ankle and 1 inch short on his left ankle.  He did pass his toe touch screen.

Sam created 55 degrees of thoracic rotation to the right and 65 degrees of thoracic rotation to the left.  He created 80 degrees of thoracic side bend to the right and 80 degrees of thoracic side bend to the left.  In his scapular retraction screen he was able to pull his elbows rearward 5 inches.  We were unable to get 4 fingers under his scapulas in his scapular palpation screen.  He created 45 degrees of right internal hip rotation and 45 degrees of right external hip rotation.  He created 65 degrees of left internal hip rotation and 45 degrees of left external hip rotation.  

Sam has adequate external shoulder rotation in both his right and left shoulders.  He had adequate internal rotation in his left shoulder but was limited in his right internal shoulder rotation.  Sam was slightly limited in his shoulder flexion/lat length screen as he was able to raise his arms overhead to just passed his nose.  He was limited in his reach, roll, and lift screen as he was unable to roll over his right arm at full extension.  In his left arm there was limited roll and also the presence of shaking when he lifted.  He passed all impingement, cervical, wrist deviation, wrist flexion/extension, and forearm supination/pronation screens.  

Sam was able to balance for 5 seconds on his right leg in the single leg eyes closed balance screen.  It was noted that there was ankle instability in that ankle during the screen.  He was able to balance for 15 seconds on his left leg.  In his single leg glute bridge screen he was able to keep elevated for the duration of the screen but showed core instability.  He noted feeling muscle activation in the glutes.  

Force Plate Swings

Below is video of the swing analysis. I will walk you through this matched up with video.

Sam creates a whole foot pressure load into his rear shoe.  He does a good job riding it out even though the overall number of vertical force in that rear leg is low (94% or 809 N).  There is a jump out of the back side just as he is getting ready to land.  As he gets to his front side we see him create 166% bodyweight (1426 N) of vertical force and 65% bodyweight or 562 N of horizontal force.  Both numbers aren’t bad overall as we look for about twice bodyweight vertically and about 75% body weight horizontally.  There is however a slow rate of force development here that will also be tied to his slow pelvic deceleration patterns we discussed in the k-graph data.  His x-axis timing is 0% which means he is weight less in his rear side as he accepts force in the front side.  This will make adjustability difficult.  By staying anchored in the rear side and increasing rate of force development in the front side he should see this improve. 

KVEST Sequencing & Rotational Speeds

The 3d readings are on kinematic sequencing and rotational speeds.

User-uploaded image: Screenshot+2019-12-22+19.40.49.png

Sam presents as an in sequence swing pattern (pelvis, torso, upper arm, wrist).  He has an over counter rotation issue.  His pelvis at heel strike is -50.17 degrees counter rotated while his torso is -55.25 degrees.  At first move his pelvis is counter rotated -47.35 degrees and his torso is -56.95 degrees.  The upper arm (blue line in the graph) shows that it is accelerating faster than the torso and pelvis which is consistent with an overly counter rotated pelvis and torso.  His peak pelvic speed is 703 deg/sec., and shows a slow acceleration and deceleration pattern.  Speeding up the deceleration pattern will allow for quicker energy transfer and a greater gain to the torso.  The torso peak speed is 904 deg/sec.  There is an average deceleration pattern present here.  His peak upper arm speed is 1209 deg/sec.  This comes with a slower acceleration and deceleration pattern which is indicative of lack of scapular resistance.  His peak hand speed is 1800 deg/sec.

Bat Sensor Data

Sam creates bat speeds of 59-65 mph.  His time to impact is in the 150-170 millisecond range.  This is average to below average time to impact.  By increasing deceleration patterns and maintaining scapular resistance he should be able to lower those times.  His attack angles are 11-16 degrees which are in a good range.  His vertical bat angles are -15 to -24 degrees which are flatter than the normative.  This indicates he is not maintaining the purity of his arc and it is being cut off his front side.  Sam’s rotational acceleration is 6-16 G’s.  This is a wide range that shows some swings with a “tighter” turn and some with a “looser” turn. 

Movement Prep

Pelvic Tilt

1. Sit-up position posterior tilt – start in sit-up position with your hand under your lower back.  There will be a natural tilt of the pelvis into anterior position.  From here begin the sit-up while trying to feel your lumbar spine press firmly into your hand.  Once you feel this sensation you will return to original position.  Next try to create the same sensation with out raising your shoulders or hips off the ground.

2. Hands and knees anterior/posterior tilt – start on hands and knees (knees under hips).  Create anterior and posterior tilt using as little thoracic movement as possible.

3. Hands and knees single arm anterior/posterior tilt – start on hands and knees (knees under hips) and bring one hand to your chest.  Create anterior and posterior tilt using as little thoracic movement as possible.  Repeat with the opposite hand on chest.

4. Standing hands on knees anterior/posterior tilt – start with hands on knees (athletic position).  Create anterior and posterior tilt with as little thoracic movement as possible.

5. Standing single arm anterior/posterior tilt – start with one hand on a knee and the other on your chest (athletic position).  Create anterior and posterior tilt with as little thoracic movement as possible.  Repeat with opposite hand placement.

6. Dead bug progression – start on back with knees and hips bent at 90 degrees (you should feel your entire spine connected to the ground – if not bend slightly more from the hips).  Elevate arms so the wrists and elbows are directly above the shoulder (towards the sky).  Extend one leg away without the spine coming off the ground (the pelvis will want to go anterior and lift the lumbar spine).  Reset and repeat with the other leg.  There are many variations available to add after complete mastery of this movement.


1. Rack or Open doorway assisted pelvic disassociation – place hands/forearms against anchored frame (keep shoulder line inside of frame). Rotate pelvis/hips w/out moving shoulders.

2. Partner assisted pelvic disassociation – have a partner support your shoulders. Rotate pelvis/hips w/out moving shoulders. Repeat from multiple postures (from high pitch to low pitch).

3. Partner assisted counter turn pelvic disassociation – have a partner turn your shoulders into counter rotation.  Resist the rotation and rotate pelvis/hips while resisting the counter turn.  Repeat from multiple postures.

4. Self resisted pelvic disassociation – start with a PVC on the shoulders for reference.  Keep the PVC stabile while rotating pelvis/hips.  Repeat from multiple postures.

5. Single leg 90 degrees internal hop pelvic disassociation – Start on back leg with front leg elevated.  Hop on back foot, while in the air rotate the leg/foot 90 degrees internally, then land.  Hop again and return the back leg/foot to initial starting position.  Use PVC on shoulders for reference.

6. Banded hip & wrist pelvic disassociation – Attach band to rear hip (belted) and j-band to rear wrist.  Have anchor points facing the chest direction.  Go from stance to counter move and advance.  Rotate pelvis/hips while maintaining scapular resistance (j-band tension).  Repeat from multiple postures.

7. Rear hip pinch hold pelvic disassociation – hold an object in the rear hip (in the hinge/counter move position).  Rotate the pelvis/hips while keeping the object in the hinge.

Rotary Instability – Anti-Rotation/Deceleration

1. Push-up position single shoulder touches – start in push-up position, use one hand to touch opposite shoulder. Make sure spine stays flat in a neutral position.  Repeat with the opposite hand.

2. Push up position since arm pull throughs – start in push up position with a weight just outside body frame (even with rib cage).  Grab the weight with the opposite hand and pull under the body to the opposite side. Keep spine flat and neutral (can put a ball or PVC on back to ensure no movement). Repeat pulling back the opposite direction.

3. Standing sideways band resisted isometric holds – start with band anchored off to the side of the body.  Take bands and hold them even with the chest, press away from chest, hold for 15 seconds.  You can vary resistance of bands and add band interference as needed.  Repeat opposite direction.

4. Standing offset band resisted isometric holds – start with band anchored off to the side of the body.  Disassociate the torso at least 30 degrees from the pelvis/hips.  Hold bands even with the chest, press away from chest, hold for 15 seconds.  You can vary resistance and add band interference as needed.  Repeat opposite direction.

5. Standing eccentric/concentric band resisted turns – start with band anchored off to the side of the body.  Hold band even with the chest, press away from chest, rotate away from anchor point (quickly), return back to center (slowly – 10 count).  Repeat opposite direction.

6. Partner assisted counter move resistance – start from launch position.  Have partner rotate shoulders in the counter turn direction, resist the turn (5 second holds).  Repeat from multiple postures.

7. Partner assisted finish resistance – start at the follow through portion of the swing.  Have partner rotate shoulders in the direction of the finish, resist the turn (5 second holds).  Repeat from multiple finishing postures.

8. Counter turn medicine ball catches – start in counter turn position.  Have a partner throw a medicine ball off the backside of the counter turn position.  Catch the ball and stabilize without continuing into counter turn.  The ball weight, speed, or distance away from the body can be adjusted as needed.  Repeat in multiple postures.

9. Swing finish medicine ball catches – start at finish of swing.  Have a partner throw a medicine ball off your finish side, catch and stabilize the ball without continuing further into finish.  The ball weight, speed, and distance away from the body can be adjusted as needed.  Repeat in multiple finishing postures.

10. Counter turn medicine ball catch and throw – start in stance, catch ball going into counter turn, and throw back in swing posture.  Throw from multiple swing postures and throw in different direction of follow through (opposite field, center field, pull side).  Hold finish in the direction of the throw for deceleration work.

Swing Prep

Time To Impact

1. Movement prep work based off screening and video assessment.

2. PVC full swing (hear the most amount of wind off the PVC)

3. PVC 180 degree swing – use a split grip on PVC (about two fist lengths). Create as much wind as possible while not going past 180 degrees of a turn.  There will be rear elbow disconnect from the body line, but not across the belly button.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).

4. PVC 90 degree swing – use a split grip on the PVC (about two fist lengths).  Create as much wind as possible without disconnecting rear elbow from rear hip.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).

5. Full bat swings (fastest bat speed)

6. Bat 180 degrees swings on a tee – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much much speed as possible without going past 180 degrees of a turn.  There should be no wrist roll on the finish.  There will be rear elbow disconnect from the rear hip (but not across belly button).  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).

7. Bat 90 degree swings on a tee – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much speed as possible without disconnecting rear elbow from rear hip.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).

8. Bat 180 degree swing on a flip or short overhand – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much much speed as possible without going past 180 degrees of a turn.  There should be no wrist roll on the finish.  There will be rear elbow disconnect from the rear hip (but not across belly button).  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).

9. Bat 90 degree swing on a flip or short overhand – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much speed as possible without disconnecting rear elbow from rear hip.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).


1. Rotational medicine ball throws – start in stance with medicine ball around rear ribcage/abdomen.  Stride and throw medicine ball with focus on staying in posture.  Repeat from multiple hitting postures (different pitch heights) and different directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

2. Rotational medicine ball throws with kickback – start in stance with medicine ball around the rear ribcage/abdomen.  Stride and throw medicine ball with focus on staying in posture.  Block lead leg from opening and kick rear leg backwards (think hockey slap shot or bowling).  Repeat from multiple hitting postures (different pitch heights) and different directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

3. Cross stride start full swing – start with rear foot two feet behind front foot in normal launch position.  No additional stride, slight counter turn and then swing.  Try to maintain spacing between feet.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

4. Normal stance cross stride full swing – start in normal stance, stride closed (about two feet).  Full swing trying to maintain foot spacing.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

5. No feet neutral stance full swing – start in neutral launch position.  No additional stride, slight counter turn and then swing.  Feet stay anchored throughout the swing (back foot may slide rearward but stay flat on ground).  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

6. Normal stance/stride no feet full swing – start in normal stance and take normal stride.  Go right into swing without the feet coming off the ground (back foot may slide rearward, but stays on the ground).  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

7. Full swing limited hip turn – normal stance and stride.  Normal swing trying to have the least amount of hip turn to get to full speed and best ball strike.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

8. Full swing limited torso turn – normal stance and stride.  Normal swing trying to have the least amount of torso turn needed to get to full speed and best ball strike. Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

9. Banded resistance swings – banded resistance to the lead hip (belt).  Normal swings with thought of resisting the band from pulling you forward in the turn.  Band resistance can be altered as necessary.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

X-Axis Timing (heel pressure)

1. One leg kettlebell squat – start on back foot with kettle bell front racked.  Squat with normal pattern with emphasis on feeling heel centric load.

2. One leg kettlebell jump squat – start on back foot with kettle bell front racked.  Squat with normal pattern and then jump off the ground.  Stabilize with a soft landing as you go back into squatting position.  Feel the heel impact and create pressure against the ground.

3. Back foot disc anchors – start with a disc under the ball of the foot of the rear shoe.  Heel of the rear shoe should be anchored to the ground.  Stride away from the back foot while keeping it anchored in the ground.

4. Both feet disc anchors – start with both balls of feet on the slide disc.  The heel of both feet should be off the discs.  Stride forward by sliding the lead slide disc forward (you should be on the ball of foot only.  The rear shoe will stay anchored in the heel and the lead side will slide free.  As you get to end of stride length begin to turn the pelvis/hips.  The lead foot should now anchor the heel which will stop the slide forward.  Back side will likely spin or kickback off of disc.

5. No feet neutral stance full swing – start in neutral launch position.  No additional stride, slight counter turn and then swing.  Feet stay anchored throughout the swing (back foot may slide rearward but stay flat on ground).  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

6. Normal stance/stride no feet full swing – start in normal stance and take normal stride.  Go right into swing without the feet coming off the ground (back foot may slide rearward, but stays on the ground).  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

7. Banded resistance swings – banded resistance to the lead hip (belt).  Normal swings with thought of resisting the band from pulling you forward in the turn.  Band resistance can be altered as necessary.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

The Epidmic of American Hitters Over coaching a "short" swing leads to
pushing the bat.

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