Tomorrow Elite Baseball Training will launch the new training website EliteBaseball.TV. This site will host a variety of streaming videos that will cover all phases of the game. Your membership to the site includes: Justin Stone’s 12-Week Sequential Hitting Program Travis Kerber’s 12-Week Sequential Pitching Program Position Specific Material (Catching & Infield Play) Weekly “Members […]

EliteBaseball.TV "Members Only" Video Blog Sample
September 22nd, 2014 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]
Common Pitching Mis-Teaches #1 – "Get Over the Top" – Travis Kerber
September 16th, 2014 [easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,linkedin,mail,print" counters=0 native="no"]Here is the first in our series of Common Pithing Mis-Teaches, by Elite Baseball Training, Head Instructor, Travis Kerber. This video is on the incorrect premise of pitchers needing the throw “over the top.” See this video and our new “12 Week Sequential Pitching” as EliteBaseball.TV is released September 23.