Chicagoland (773) 739-2170

Taylor Fuerst


Mobility, Flexibility & Stability ScreeningForce Plate SwingsKVEST Sequencing & Rotational SpeedsBat Sensor DataMovement PrepSwing Recommendations

Mobility Screen

Taylor sets up in a neutral spine position in his athletic stance.  In his pelvic tilt screen, he was limited in both anterior and posterior tilt as he showed vibration. This suggests there is an imbalance in his lower abdominals. Once improved, this will likely help Taylor maintain posture throughout his swing.  Taylor passed both disassociation screens which indicates he is capable of separating body segments. This is imperative to stretch his core tight as he loads. In the overhead squat screen Taylor showed limited depth and he showed excessive forward tilt. This shows there are limitations in hip mobility.

Taylor was “neutral” in his thoracic rotation screen as he showed 50 degrees of thoracic rotation to the right and 45 degrees to the left.  His thoracic side bend was 45 degrees in both directions.  He was limited in his scapular palpation screen as we were able to get 4 fingers underneath his shoulder blades. This shows he needs to strengthen his scaps in order to resist more in his swing. His scapular retraction was around 1.5 inches.

Taylor had 45 degrees on internal hip rotation on the right and 30 degrees on the left.  He had 45 degrees on external hip rotation on both sides.  In his glute bridge screen, he showed core instability and mentioned feeling activation in his hamstrings and core.  He showed instability in his single leg balance screen, which is likely due from ankle mobility limitations. Taylor passed all shoulder, wrist, and cervical screens.

Force Plate Swings

Taylor creates a whole foot load as he loads into his forward advance. As he advances he creates a 96%-100% BW in vertical force in the rear leg, which is within expectation. He creates a below average amount of force vertically in the lead leg (137% BW) He does however create it at a slow rate of force production. What this mean is, he is landing his lead leg then turning versus swinging his foot to the ground. Once improved, he will send energy up the chain faster resulting in faster turn speeds.  With med ball throws and PVC check swings he should be able to help with that ROFD.

KVEST Sequencing & Rotational Speeds

Taylor demonstrated good swing sequencing. His hips, torso, lead arm and bat were all in sequence. However, on certain swings he internally rotated around 42 degrees, which is higher than expectation. This will impact Taylor’s swing direction and force him to make an early swing decision. Once Taylor learns a scap load he will be able to track the ball longer and increase his time to contact. Hip speeds are at expectation near 817 deg/sec. Torso speeds are average at 9955 deg/sec. The lead arm gets below average gain at 11169deg/sec and the overall rotational speed is 1908 deg/sec. With an improved scap load he will likely see speed improvement.

Bat Sensor Data

Taylor’s bat speeds are within expectation for his age, ranging from 57-59mph. His attack angles ranged from 2-5degrees. Ideally, we want these angles to range from 6-10 (for his age). His rotational acceleration numbers were average at around 7-11-5G’s. This shows there is some “looseness” in his turn. His time to contact is below average. Vertical bat angles vary based off of pitch location. Taylor’s was within expectation, ranging from -20 to -35.

Movement Prep


  1. Rack or Open doorway assisted pelvic disassociation – place hands/forearms against anchored frame (keep shoulder line inside of frame). Rotate pelvis/hips w/out moving shoulders.
  1. Push-up position with forearms on the ground.  Rotate hips while keeping upper body stabile.
  1. Partner assisted pelvic disassociation – have a partner support your shoulders. Rotate pelvis/hips w/out moving shoulders. Repeat from multiple postures (from high pitch to low pitch).
  1. Partner assisted counter turn pelvic disassociation – have a partner turn your shoulders into counter rotation.  Resist the rotation and rotate pelvis/hips while resisting the counter turn.  Repeat from multiple postures.
  2. Self resisted pelvic disassociation – start with a PVC on the shoulders for reference.  Keep the PVC stabile while rotating pelvis/hips.  Repeat from multiple postures.

Pelvic Tilt

  1. Sit-up position posterior tilt – start in sit-up position with your hand under your lower back.  There will be a natural tilt of the pelvis into anterior position.  From here begin the sit-up while trying to feel your lumbar spine press firmly into your hand.  Once you feel this sensation you will return to original position.  Next try to create the same sensation without raising your shoulders or hips off the ground.
  1. Hands and knees anterior/posterior tilt – start on hands and knees (knees under hips).  Create anterior and posterior tilt using as little thoracic movement as possible.
  1. Hands and knees single arm anterior/posterior tilt – start on hands and knees (knees under hips) and bring one hand to your chest.  Create anterior and posterior tilt using as little thoracic movement as possible.  Repeat with the opposite hand on chest.
  1. Standing hands on knees anterior/posterior tilt – start with hands on knees (athletic position).  Create anterior and posterior tilt with as little thoracic movement as possible.
  1. Standing single arm anterior/posterior tilt – start with one hand on a knee and the other on your chest (athletic position).  Create anterior and posterior tilt with as little thoracic movement as possible.  Repeat with opposite hand placement.
  2. Dead bug progression – start on back with knees and hips bent at 90 degrees (you should feel your entire spine connected to the ground – if not bend slightly more from the hips).  Elevate arms so the wrists and elbows are directly above the shoulder (towards the sky).  Extend one leg away without the spine coming off the ground (the pelvis will want to go anterior and lift the lumbar spine).  Reset and repeat with the other leg.

Swing Recommendations

Time To Impact

  1. Movement prep work based off screening and video assessment.
  1. PVC full swing (hear the most amount of wind off the PVC)
  1. PVC 180 degree swing – use a split grip on PVC (about two fist lengths). Create as much wind as possible while not going past 180 degrees of a turn.  There will be rear elbow disconnect from the body line, but not across the belly button.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. PVC 90 degree swing – use a split grip on the PVC (about two fist lengths).  Create as much wind as possible without disconnecting rear elbow from rear hip.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Full bat swings (fastest bat speed)
  1. Bat 180 degrees swings on a tee – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much much speed as possible without going past 180 degrees of a turn.  There should be no wrist roll on the finish.  There will be rear elbow disconnect from the rear hip (but not across belly button).  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Bat 90 degree swings on a tee – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much speed as possible without disconnecting rear elbow from rear hip.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Bat 180 degree swing on a flip or short overhand – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much much speed as possible without going past 180 degrees of a turn.  There should be no wrist roll on the finish.  There will be rear elbow disconnect from the rear hip (but not across belly button).  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).
  2. Bat 90 degree swing on a flip or short overhand – use split grip (about one fist length).  Create as much speed as possible without disconnecting rear elbow from rear hip.  Repeat from different postures (different pitch heights).  Repeat to different layouts (opposite field, center, pull side).


  1. Rotational medicine ball throws – start in stance with medicine ball around rear ribcage/abdomen.  Stride and throw medicine ball with focus on staying in posture.  Repeat from multiple hitting postures (different pitch heights) and different directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Cross body medicine ball throws – start in a cross body stance (lead leg stride across the direction of the throw).  Full speed throw trying to maintain feet spacing.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side)
  1. Rotational medicine ball throws with constraint – start in stance with medicine ball around the rear ribcage/abdomen.  Stride and throw medicine ball with focus on staying in posture.  Block lead leg from opening while thinking lead pocket should turn as little as possible.  Repeat from multiple hitting postures (different pitch heights) and different directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Cross stride start full swing – start with rear foot two feet behind front foot in normal launch position.  No additional stride, slight counter turn and then swing.  Try to maintain spacing between feet.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Normal stance cross stride full swing – start in normal stance, stride closed (about two feet).  Full swing trying to maintain feet spacing.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. No feet neutral stance full swing – start in neutral launch position.  No additional stride, slight counter turn and then swing.  Feet stay anchored throughout the swing (back foot may slide rearward but stay flat on ground).  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Normal stance/stride no feet full swing – start in normal stance and take normal stride.  Go right into swing without the feet coming off the ground (back foot may slide rearward, but stays on the ground).  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).
  1. Full swing limited hip turn – normal stance and stride.  Normal swing trying to have the least amount of hip turn to get to full speed and best ball strike.  Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).
  2. Full swing limited torso turn – normal stance and stride.  Normal swing trying to have the least amount of torso turn needed to get to full speed and best ball strike. Repeat to different postures (pitch heights) and directionality (opposite field, center, pull side).

The Epidmic of American Hitters Over coaching a "short" swing leads to
pushing the bat.

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